
We all have our personal beliefs and are responsible for everything that comes into or out of our lives. I was given the gift of happiness and energy, family background and good people along the path I have chosen.

I am thankful for my place in this world; from here I can contribute to enriching other people's lives, not just by playing the violin, but also by sharing my positive attitude towards life - which I really enjoy.


I support the Centre of Foster Families, civic association
I am the patron of the Food and Music Festival in Znojmo
I was appointed a Goodwill Ambassador for the V4 plus Japan Exchange Year
I am the Artistic director of the Internationl Academy and Festival Ameropa Music

With my great respect and pleasure I was honoured to take over the tradition after my teacher, prof. Václav Snítil, and become the patron of the international Kocian´s Violin Competition and also the director of Kocianovo Ústí Festival

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