
Pavel Šporcl has been also very successful in composing and arranging in recent years.

You can hear his compositions both at concerts and on albums Sporcelain, My Violin Legends, Gipsy Way, Gipsy Fire, Christmas on the Blue Violin and Kde domov můj (Where is my home). He won the OSA award in classical music field for his composition Bohemian nostalgia for violin and piano in 2015. He composed the original composition Prayer for violin, symphony orchestra and children´s choir for the album Christmas on the Blue Violin. The pop composition Surprise was placed in the TOP 50 and scored in the charts of domestic radio stations. He composed Variations for solo violin on the song Kde domov můj (Where is my home) to support national self-esteem. He received the award Golden Czech Twelve for the single Magical 24 as the first instrumentalist in 2020, which became the eighth biggest hit of this chart that year.

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